

  • Discover a unique massage experience.
  • Let go and receive healing, relaxing touch.
  • Receive customized, focused treatment for areas of pain, tightness and edema from an expert in the body.
  • Receive compassionate care.
  • Find relief, flexibility and wellness.

Wynne is a different kind of massage therapist.  She brings over a decade of experience as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, trained to help you recover from injuries and surgeries, find better health with medical conditions, or simply to improve your physical alignment and body habits to find more freedom in your life.

Receive a thorough physical assessment before your massage and bodywork treatment.  If you choose, your session may include a customized home program to address your areas of concern.

While Wynne has extensive clinical training and experience, it is also essential every client feels kind, compassionate care. Your whole well-being is always the primary focus.

Wynne has also been a registered yoga teacher for a number of years.  Request private yoga sessions, with or without massage, designed specifically for your particular physical and holistic needs.

Stop in once for that special treat for yourself.  Gift a treatment to a loved one.  Establish a regular wellness program just for you.